Im wondering how to unlock the 8th scene in the gallery. Its after noels accident. I am also wondering how to unlock the option to "smack her ass" with Lym. Are they related by chance? Thanks!
0.3.9x was sort of underwhelming. The only thing of note was trying to pop Alex up in more scenes. I'm likely not alone when I'd say the less scenes with Alex, the better.
Some errors with the storyline. After the new Nyx fight scene, the MC still claims to have rescued her from the orcs at a later point.
What is the new relationship branch or choice for Nyx the changelog is talking about?
I've got the Patreon version, didn't see anything other than a branching lewd scene at the end. Wondering is the latest update does anything different.
I'm very thankful for your information, but can I ask for one last help? Can you tell me how to back up a save in Android? Do i need to download some applications? And what do I do after I already back up the file?
Open your file manager, whatever that may be called on your device, then navigate to the file containing your saves....internal storage/android/data/com.cryoxxx.oppaiodyssey (may be different on your device). Then literally copy the 'saves' folder to another custom folder, personally I copy them to a folder on my SD card.
Then, if ever you have to do a reinstall for example, just copy the save file from your SD card and replace the one in the games route directory.
Действительно качественное творение, очень приятно провел время за прохождением) Музыкальное сопровождение подобрано хорошо, не напрягает, а наоборот, акцентирует внимание на происходящем. Сюжет затягивает, очень удивлен, что так мало патронов...люди что, Lym не оценили?)) В начале игры были показаны Неко, очень интересно, будет ли с ними встреча и развитие отношений?) Ждем обновлений)
I just speedran this game, and I gotta say its oretty good. The visuals and plot both work and the spaceship is a very nice setting. There are two things I would change however- add a door for the comference room and brig, or if there already are ones, make them more prominent- it adds an element of realism when you can physically walk into it as opposed to having to teleport to it every time. Also, I would suggest delaying sexual relations with Sybil until after the birthday party, because as it is, it feels a bit sudden. Maybe have the Captain cuddle with her after the party and make the sex scenes part of a subsequent event.
This game is so much fun. I have been loving it so far! I do get a glitch when I do nyx's video game rematch scene which seems to bring me back to when I only had 4 characters. Instead of 6 around the map. Keep up the great work and I will be looking forward to future updates!
"Showing your feelings doesn't make you weak. In fact, I think it makes you look even stronger."
The themes and messages portrayed in this story are genuinely inspiring. Thank you for making and keeping this game available for free! I would love to support you if I currently had the means to do so.
Hey, i really like the game but is it possible to have a hints to how to unlock some scene in the "video" part of the gallery ? Perhaps hints in a PDF ?
I took the mdom part with Nyx so i expect to miss those (and i'm not fond of fdom, even if i could be trying just because i'm a completionnist). But i feel like i miss one scene with Pip. I saw the Nyx interrogation scene of her but i decided to take the "nice guy" way so i don't know if i missed something.
Anyway, in this scene, there is a bug with the Lust-counter, it shows a shadow of the girl with white text in middle of the screen instead of the pink text in top left.
In my experience, she will never lose her dominant trait, no matter what you choose. Even if you choose to be dominant or submissive in the previous event, in the next you can choose again to be submissive or not. After all, she is the only one with a dominant characteristic.
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I got crashed after 2 second play this game:(
Im INLOVE with the story between Lym and the protagonist tbh i will give u money cuz this is godly
I highly reccomend anyone to play this game, its fantastically well done and wonderful animations and very interesting story plot
Im wondering how to unlock the 8th scene in the gallery. Its after noels accident. I am also wondering how to unlock the option to "smack her ass" with Lym. Are they related by chance? Thanks!
When I try to play the game from the beginning it instantly closes. Idk if it's my phone or the game itself
0.3.9x was sort of underwhelming. The only thing of note was trying to pop Alex up in more scenes. I'm likely not alone when I'd say the less scenes with Alex, the better.
Some errors with the storyline. After the new Nyx fight scene, the MC still claims to have rescued her from the orcs at a later point.
What is the new relationship branch or choice for Nyx the changelog is talking about?
I've got the Patreon version, didn't see anything other than a branching lewd scene at the end. Wondering is the latest update does anything different.
Why'd you remove the quicksave & quickload options in the GUI? Those features are useful.
i cant access the cluster it tells me to wait for next update please help
When I try to update the android version of the game, it says the packages are conflicting, so it won't update.
uninstall the old version
Damn. ): Okay, thanks for your help!
I have a question if you don't mind, is it possible to bring my save from 0.3.8 to 0.3.9 ? Or is it not possible ?
And if you don't mind to, can you tell me how to do it? (I'm in Android) or do i just need to download the newer version?
I would be careful, it seems installing the latest android version had wiped all my saves.
My bad really for not backing them up first, so, back up your saves before installing
I'm very thankful for your information, but can I ask for one last help? Can you tell me how to back up a save in Android? Do i need to download some applications? And what do I do after I already back up the file?
Open your file manager, whatever that may be called on your device, then navigate to the file containing your saves....internal storage/android/data/com.cryoxxx.oppaiodyssey (may be different on your device). Then literally copy the 'saves' folder to another custom folder, personally I copy them to a folder on my SD card.
Then, if ever you have to do a reinstall for example, just copy the save file from your SD card and replace the one in the games route directory.
is there a 'Harem' option in the game? I love them all, don't think I could choose any one in particular!
well, Harem is included in the THEMES/GENRE section
If you don't mind me asking, what other fetishes are going to be added? I absolutely love this game so far, play every update!
will u make a substar page?? i would totally support u that way.
IMO, become a supporter and get the update. It's worth it.
my plan
No update?
Hopefully we'll finally be able to do something with Nyx this update.
Mommy ZARA😍😍😍
Will there ever be a group sexy scene with NOEL and NYX? 🙏
Does anyone have a walkthrough of this game?
I'll try making one fam
Действительно качественное творение, очень приятно провел время за прохождением) Музыкальное сопровождение подобрано хорошо, не напрягает, а наоборот, акцентирует внимание на происходящем. Сюжет затягивает, очень удивлен, что так мало патронов...люди что, Lym не оценили?)) В начале игры были показаны Неко, очень интересно, будет ли с ними встреча и развитие отношений?) Ждем обновлений)
I just speedran this game, and I gotta say its oretty good. The visuals and plot both work and the spaceship is a very nice setting. There are two things I would change however- add a door for the comference room and brig, or if there already are ones, make them more prominent- it adds an element of realism when you can physically walk into it as opposed to having to teleport to it every time. Also, I would suggest delaying sexual relations with Sybil until after the birthday party, because as it is, it feels a bit sudden. Maybe have the Captain cuddle with her after the party and make the sex scenes part of a subsequent event.
This game is so much fun. I have been loving it so far! I do get a glitch when I do nyx's video game rematch scene which seems to bring me back to when I only had 4 characters. Instead of 6 around the map. Keep up the great work and I will be looking forward to future updates!
I had to do a double take when I first saw it lmao
i thought i was the only one who noticed that XD guess they got exotics, maybe well see more of them in future updates lmao
Hey I encountered a bug that doesn't show the unlocked scenes in my library even when I've loaded a save
Do you have any further plans for Pip because i think she cant be done yet. You can see she is falling in love with MCs kindness.
are you planning on adding ms saiko to the crew? I really love her and I want to see more of her I hope you have plans for her!
"Showing your feelings doesn't make you weak. In fact, I think it makes you look even stronger."
The themes and messages portrayed in this story are genuinely inspiring. Thank you for making and keeping this game available for free! I would love to support you if I currently had the means to do so.
Hey, i really like the game but is it possible to have a hints to how to unlock some scene in the "video" part of the gallery ? Perhaps hints in a PDF ?
I took the mdom part with Nyx so i expect to miss those (and i'm not fond of fdom, even if i could be trying just because i'm a completionnist). But i feel like i miss one scene with Pip. I saw the Nyx interrogation scene of her but i decided to take the "nice guy" way so i don't know if i missed something.
Anyway, in this scene, there is a bug with the Lust-counter, it shows a shadow of the girl with white text in middle of the screen instead of the pink text in top left.
Good luck for the next !
I will be adding a hint system to the gallery when I rework it for next update!
There indeed was a Pip scene hidden behind the "bad guy" route.
" Let's get this trash off the wall" this sentence get me🤣🤣.
Anyway NYX oral scence is fuxking cool.
How can i unlock event gallery 4 ?
Uhhmm is it possible to optimize this game on Android?
so should I download the LQ fix or just the normal one? or both?
only download the fix if your game is crashing
What does LQ fix means?
Edit: Nevermind im dumb, its low quality
Hello, I want to know what software you use for the 3D Render.
I kinda want to try making one myself, lol.
Maybe I also can share my "lewd" fantasies in the future.
Honey Select i think.
when i press install this red text says 'This title is hosted on an incompatible third-party website'.
does this mean that it cant auto-update through the itch-application or am i missing something?
tnx in advance ^^
btw awesome game/story
Do you have or offer any walk thru? Cuz I'm worried that I might chose the wrong dialogue and end my paths with the characters. Thanks~
just follow the green circles and choose what you like. You'll be fine
Am I supposed to grind nyx to be dominant? Or it depends on what I want?
i've seen some events that lower her dominance.
In my experience, she will never lose her dominant trait, no matter what you choose. Even if you choose to be dominant or submissive in the previous event, in the next you can choose again to be submissive or not. After all, she is the only one with a dominant characteristic.